All the answers to the most asked questions here! Still got a question? Bark at us via chat or email and we will get back to you in a tail wag!
Can I book a private play for my reactive/anxious/nervous dog?
We believe all puppers should get to enjoy the fun of Bark Park and so we offer daily sessions for our pals that need solo play! You can book via the "Private Play" services on our bookings page! These sessions give your dog 1hour of exclusive access to our Big Barkers space.

Can i book more than 1 dog?
Absolutely! Our booking system is set up with a discounted price for up to 3 dogs in any of our play sessions! If you are booking for more than 3 please make an additional booking. If you are booking for a private session please contact us so we can manage your booking accordingly!

Do i leave my dog there to play?
Bark Park is not a doggy day care! We are dedicated to providing a safe and unique space for dog owners to connect with their dogs beyond the traditions of a dog park therefore Dog Pawrents are required to have supervision and control of their dogs at all times. Don't worry though our super dog friendly team are 1000% going to come and play with your dog too!

can my small dog play with the big dogs?
We know that some little poochies love to play with their big pals so our first rule is to check with staff to ensure all big dogs are also small dog friendly and if it's a thumbs up you are absolutely welcome to join a big dog session. The safety of all guests is our priority so we will always move things around to make sure everyone is having a good time! We also have a calm down zone if your pooch just needs a break!

Is there toilets for humans and where does my dog do their business?
Great question!
We have 2 human toilets on site that guests are welcome to use (please clean up after yourself and keep them as clean as you find them!). As for your pups! We have multiple pee patches in our little yappers space and the big parkers have access to outside if they need to go! We ask that you please clean up after your pups and try your best to keep them from toileting in our walk way area!

How often does bark park get cleaned?
Bark Park is cleaned daily, in fact multiple times daily. Each day before we open we undergo a deep clean to prepare our play space for you and in between sessions we clean again! We strive to keep a clean, sanitary and healthy environment for all to enjoy. So please let us know if your dog has made a mess so we can get to it straight away and make sure it gets cleaned!